FSR is now looking to hire the first Chief Executive Officer (CEO) to advance the mission to fund sarcoidosis research and improve the lives of patients worldwide. The CEO will be responsible for overseeing the execution of FSR’s strategic plan, administration, and programs as well as fundraising, marketing, and community outreach. FSR is excited about the opportunity fill the CEO position with a skilled individual who can lead FSR in the next chapter of successes.
The full FSR CEO Position Description can be viewed here.
Qualified individuals wishing to be considered for this position must submit an application, using this link by April 30th, 2020.
About FSR
The Foundation for Sarcoidosis Research (FSR) is the nation’s leading nonprofit organization dedicated to finding a cure for this disease. Since 2000, FSR has worked to support research and patients in the sarcoidosis space. This has been accomplished through funding sarcoidosis research, raising awareness of the disease, and serving as an authoritative resource for patients, health professionals and the public.