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5 Myths You May Have Heard About Sarcoidosis

5 Myths You May Have Heard About Sarcoidosis

Sarcoidosis is a rare disease, affecting an estimated 150,000-200,000 Americans. Most people have never even heard of sarcoidosis, and many who have don’t know all the facts. There is a lot of misinformation about sarcoidosis out there, even within the medical...
Sleeping with Chronic Pain

Sleeping with Chronic Pain

The average adult needs 7-9 hours of sleep per night to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Sleep boosts the immune system, regulates blood pressure, improves mental health, and has multiple other health benefits. Getting a full night’s sleep every night is recommended for...
Be an Advocate in Your Hometown!

Be an Advocate in Your Hometown!

Throughout the month of August, legislators will be back in their home districts during Congress’ Summer Recess. This allows advocates a chance to meet with their representatives without having to travel to Capitol Hill. For those affected by rare diseases...
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