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Add Your Voice – Prednisone Use Survey

Add Your Voice – Prednisone Use Survey

While corticosteroids like prednisone are the most commonly prescribed medications for sarcoidosis, many patients struggle with their side effects. FSR is working hard every day to advance research on new treatments for sarcoidosis that will be more effective with...
ATS Travel Scholarships

ATS Travel Scholarships

Every year, the Foundation for Sarcoidosis Research awards travel grants to assist in expenses for attendees of major professional conferences where sarcoidosis is addressed. This allows FSR to support early career researchers and clinicians by giving them the...
Mental Health Awareness Month

Mental Health Awareness Month

Dealing with a chronic illness, like sarcoidosis, is taxing on your physical health, but it also takes a toll on your mental health. This month, for Mental Health Awareness Month, we are going to be providing resources to help you take care of your mental health! To...
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