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Leaving My Legacy

Leaving My Legacy

As a relatively younger woman (ok …in my 40’s, but that is all I am saying!), I certainly do not spend a lot of time thinking about my own mortality. And yes, I DO battle sarcoidosis every single day, but I refuse to let this disease dictate my spirit of life and...
World Lung Day is September 25

World Lung Day is September 25

The Forum of International Respiratory Societies (FIRS) has created a charter to recognize September 25th as World Lung Day. The purpose of the charter is to draw attention to the global issue of respiratory health and the increasing challenges that individuals with...
Join Us in Ann Arbor, Michigan!

Join Us in Ann Arbor, Michigan!

Join us to learn from expert physicians about different sarcoidosis manifestations, treatment options, and the latest advancements in research. Alongside fellow patients and loved ones, you will gain the knowledge and tools you need to better communicate with your...
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