Category: FSR Events

Q&A Session from Meet the Experts in San Diego
Thank you for all that attended out Meet the Experts event in San Diego at the American Thoracic Society conference. For those of you who were unable to attend here are the minutes from the event. Meet the Experts Panel Patient Q&A Session at ATS 2014 May 17, 2014...
Join our Meet the Experts!
If you want to join us at our meet the experts event this May in San Diego be sure to email us your RSVP at info@stopsarcoidosis.org. This event has passed, but you can read the Q&A from the session...
ATS Lung Disease Week Webinar
If you missed our webinar with Dan Culver, DO to celebrate Lung Disease Week at the American Thoracic Society you can watch it...Hike for Lung Health
Hike for Lung Health 2013 September 22, 2013 is the 7th annual Hike for Lung Health event sponsored by the Respiratory Health Association. The walk starts at 10 am in Chicago, IL in Lincoln Park. There is the option for a 1 mile, 3 mile and virtual walk! We are team...