In February 2022, FSR hosted Ignore No More: African American Women & Sarcoidosis Webinar, a virtual engaging discussion on sarcoidosis, how it impacts African American women, and what can be done to improve outcomes. Mary Oldham was one of the attending...
Addressing Barriers to Care to Improve the Lives of Those with Sarcoidosis: Why I Support FSR’s African American Women and Sarcoidosis Campaign I was diagnosed with sarcoidosis over 8 years ago, starting in my lungs & lymph nodes, then shortly after it...
Act Now to Protect Drug Development. As part of the budgeting process, Congress is discussing cutting back the Orphan Drug Tax Credit for pharmaceutical companies. Most of the drugs in sarcoidosis are not FDA-approved for sarcoidosis, but are repurposed from...
I have sarcoidosis and am a Patient Advocate. In the Fall of 2020, I was diagnosed with neurosarcoidosis. The biggest question I struggled with after my diagnosis was, “What do I do now?”. My life was completely upended. I struggled with new treatments...
The Foundation for Sarcoidosis Research (FSR) is excited to announce the official launch of the first of its kind African American Women & Sarcoidosis National Campaign (AAWS). African American women experience the highest incidence of sarcoidosis in the US as...
How to have an effective office visit with your provider: Getting the most of your office visits can be tricky, especially if you’re not sure what you may need to talk about. But fortunately there are some tried and true ways to have a productive,...
My journey with Interstitial Lung Disease (ILD) started about 15 years ago, although I did not know it at the time, nor did the physicians who were then treating me. At an annual physical, at the age of 46, I mentioned that my knees were a bit sore after physical...
We are thrilled to announce the formation of our new FSR Patient Speakers’ Bureau! This bureau consists of 14 experienced and trained sarcoidosis patient advocates who will share their personal stories to advocate for FSR and raise awareness for...
Foundation for Sarcoidosis Research is seeking applicants for our first Women of Color Committee. African Americans in the U.S. have been the group most affected by sarcoidosis with an estimated lifetime risk as high as 2% among the population. Additionally, African...
Click here to register now! Join us for this year’s Virtual Patient Education Summit, June 12-13, 2021! Our summits in September and November of 2020 were incredibly successful. This year we will be offering a unique two-day experience on a fun, interactive...