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Category: Research

Taking Steps Towards A Cure

Taking Steps Towards A Cure

If you were one of over 500 people worldwide who joined FSR for our annual K.I.S.S. 5K and virtual walks, you are part of the movement that will put sarcoidosis on the map – the same map as other big name diseases with national walk events that bring in millions...
Healthcare Innovation Under the New Administration

Healthcare Innovation Under the New Administration

With the upcoming inauguration of the 45th President of the United States, the country is preparing for big changes, especially when it comes to healthcare. The potential repeal of the Affordable Care Act threatens some provisions for chronic and rare disease patients. For example, the ACA prohibited insurance companies from setting lifetime caps on medical expenses …

New App for Sarcoidosis Patients

New App for Sarcoidosis Patients

FSR is proud to have partnered with the University of Pennsylvania and Penn Medicine to help share a new mobile app for sarcoidosis patients which allows patients to track their symptoms, disease activity and impact, and other quality of life measures, using their...
FSR Well-Represented at SCOPE 2017

FSR Well-Represented at SCOPE 2017

FSR’s Ginger Spitzer will be presenting at the 8th annual Summit for Clinical Ops Executives, or SCOPE in Miami, FL later this month. SCOPE is a 3-day summit of conferences, workshops and symposiums, all dedicated to productive and in-depth conversations the...
Baltimore Clinical Trial for Neurosarcoidosis Patients

Baltimore Clinical Trial for Neurosarcoidosis Patients

For all neurosarcoidosis patients, a clinical trial in the Baltimore area entitled, “Clinical Biomarkers of Disease Activity and Treatment Response in Patients with CNS Sarcoidosis Treated with H.P. Acthar Gel”, is now open for recruitment specifically to patients in...
Hospitals start comparing health outcomes internationally

Hospitals start comparing health outcomes internationally

A new collaboration between six hospitals around the world is allowing doctors to exchange data and compare case outcomes, in order to establish best practices when it comes to treating sarcoidosis. The press release announcement is below: Nieuwegein / Utrecht, 13...
San Francisco Research Studies Looking for Participants

San Francisco Research Studies Looking for Participants

UCSF Sarcoidosis Studies are Recruiting! San Francisco based studies are looking for people diagnosed with sarcoidosis in or near the bay area to join us in learning more about this disease. All studies are currently observational (no interventions), looking closely...
Taking Steps Towards A Cure

SAKURA Phase III Study

The SAKURA study is a Phase III, multinational, double-masked trial investigating the safety and efficacy of DE-109 for the treatment of non-infectious uveitis of the posterior segment.  DE-109 is a proprietary formulation of sirolimus that is an anti-inflammatory...
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