Category: Team KISS

Join us in San Diego for our 2020 Sarcoidosis Awareness 5K!
Attention all sarc warriors, friends, family, supporters, and superheroes:For the first time ever FSR’s Annual Team KISS 5K Run/Walk will be coming to the West Coast!We are so excited to announce that Team KISS is California-bound and that our annual awareness...
Record-Breaking Awareness Month for Team KISS!
WOW! Congratulations to every sarc warrior, family, friend, supporter and member of the community who helped FSR surpass our 2019 campaign goal this April for Sarcoidosis Awareness Month! This year, another record was broken by Team KISS members who united forces and...
Join Us at Our 6th Annual 5K in New Orleans!
For the last six years, FSR has hosted a 5K Run/Walk to raise awareness for sarcoidosis and this year’s event is on track to be our most exciting one yet! Come join FSR and our sarc superheros in New Orleans on April 27th at Audubon Park. Registration is $30 and...Double Your Donation to FSR this April!
A Team KISS superhero has offered to match 100% of the donations made toward FSR’s Team KISS 5K events this year! This means that every dollar you donate will be doubled, helping us move one step closer to stopping sarcoidosis. This amazing opportunity is only...Team KISS is Going to New Orleans!
We have big news! FSR’s sixth annual Team KISS 5K Run/Walk will take place in New Orleans, Louisiana!
Want to Make an Impact This Summer? Join Team KISS!
Summer isn’t over which means now is the perfect time to soak up the extra sunlight and mild weather while you fundraise with Team KISS!
Team KISS photos!
We’re excited to share some of the photos from our official Team KISS 5K in Atlanta, GA this year! Thanks to all the super runners and walkers who came out to join...