Early Investigator Grant Opportunity
The Foundation for Sarcoidosis Research (FSR) is seeking proposals from US-based early-stage investigators for a grant that provides support for a collaborative and translational research project that will positively impact treatments and a potential cure for sarcoidosis. For the purposes of this grant, “early-stage investigators” will include researchers that are new to the field of sarcoidosis and rare disease research.
Through this unique grant opportunity, FSR will work closely with the selected investigator to submit a matching fund proposal to Uplifting Athletes through their Young Investigators Draft Program. The grant amount will total $20,000- with $10,000 of the funding coming from FSR and $10,000 coming from Uplifting Athletes. Uplifting Athletes a 501(c)3 organization that promotes rare disease awareness through the power of collegiate sport.
Completed applications must be submitted to FSR’s Research Coordinator, Tamara Al-Hakim at tamara@stopsarcoidosis.org or 312-341-0500 by no later than December 30, 2020 at 11:59 PM EST.
To review the full RFP contact FSR Research Project Coordinator, Tamara Al-Hakim tamara@stopsarcoidosis.org or 312-341-0500 ext 108.
NOTE: Funding for this grant is contingent on your proposal being selected for the matching funds grant through Uplifting Athletes.
Special Considerations
This grant application process has a tight turn-around time. Only those who currently have an established mentor and project in-mind should apply. Special consideration will be provided to individuals who are part of an underrepresented group in researchers in healthcare.