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FSR Updates

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FSR launched the Ignore No More: ACTe Now! Campaign (Advance Clinical Trials for Equity in Sarcoidosis) to address the underrepresentation of Black Americans in clinical trials. As part of the campaign, FSR conducted the first of its kind, IRB-approved national patient survey for Black Americans to better understand the challenges and experiences Black Americans with sarcoidosis face as it pertains to clinical trials and their disease journeys. FSR also conducted a Key Opinion Leaders Thought Workshop (KOL) and Patient Focus Group to explore the findings in greater depth and to identify recommendations for how to improve clinical trial access and overall care of Black sarcoidosis patients.

Some recommendations that emerged include building a blueprint for clinical trial design that increases access and supports diversity, clinical trial navigation and support specifically targeted for Black patients, and educational toolkits to better educate patients and physicians about trial opportunities and engagement. Though this campaign was specific to Black Americans with sarcoidosis the learnings are relevant to improving access to clinical trials for all Black Americans.


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FSR Blog

FSR Announces New Small Grant Awardee

August 25, 2020

Explore Meditation and Wellness at FSR’s Fall Summits!

August 25, 2020

FSR’s Virtual Summits this Fall will be day-long, comprehensive educational and wellness events. While they will be held entirely online, the Summits will stillLearn More

New FSR Fellowship Awardee

July 25, 2020
close up of stack of binders

Social Security and Disability Benefits with Sarcoidosis

July 11, 2020

How to Qualify for Social Security Disability Benefits with Sarcoidosis If you have been diagnosed with sarcoidosis and you have worked in the past, paidLearn More

Applications Open for Patient Advisory Committee

June 29, 2020

Our Commitment to Our Community

June 19, 2020

FSR has spent 20 years serving sarcoidosis patients and their families, as well as the healthcare providers and researchers who dedicate their careers toLearn More

person using a desktop computer

2020 Education Summits Transition to Virtual Format

May 27, 2020

FSR has made the decision to transition our in-person Patient Education Summits to be Virtual Summits. This decision was made due to the ongoingLearn More

Meet FSR’s Founders the Wilsons!

May 26, 2020

As part of FSR’s 20th Anniversary, we’re profiling some of the people who make everything we do at FSR possible, including our co-founders, BoardLearn More

two women talking in a support group

Self-Care for Sarcoidosis Warriors

May 16, 2020

Initial Results of Sarcoidosis and COVID-19 Impact Survey

May 6, 2020
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