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FSR Updates

Stay up-to-date on FSR’s latest activities and learn about the ways that FSR is driving progress and accelerating research towards a cure.

FSR launched the Ignore No More: ACTe Now! Campaign (Advance Clinical Trials for Equity in Sarcoidosis) to address the underrepresentation of Black Americans in clinical trials. As part of the campaign, FSR conducted the first of its kind, IRB-approved national patient survey for Black Americans to better understand the challenges and experiences Black Americans with sarcoidosis face as it pertains to clinical trials and their disease journeys. FSR also conducted a Key Opinion Leaders Thought Workshop (KOL) and Patient Focus Group to explore the findings in greater depth and to identify recommendations for how to improve clinical trial access and overall care of Black sarcoidosis patients.

Some recommendations that emerged include building a blueprint for clinical trial design that increases access and supports diversity, clinical trial navigation and support specifically targeted for Black patients, and educational toolkits to better educate patients and physicians about trial opportunities and engagement. Though this campaign was specific to Black Americans with sarcoidosis the learnings are relevant to improving access to clinical trials for all Black Americans.


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FSR Blog

One Week Until Team KISS Walk Deadline!

April 18, 2018

There’s only ONE WEEK LEFT to register for the Team KISS Walk events on April 28th this year! This includes the Official Team KISSLearn More

Sarcoidosis PSA on NBC Across the Nation!

April 15, 2018
blurred view of a conference

Announcing AASOG Travel Awards

April 14, 2018
Man using a tablet while drinking a cup of coffee

Sarcoidosis Feature on NBC Chicago

April 12, 2018

FSR was excited to partner with NBC Chicago to shine a spotlight on sarcoidosis this month. As you all know, April is Sarcoidosis AwarenessLearn More

Double Feature Walk of the Week: Philadelphia!

April 11, 2018

FSR is hosting our fifth annual Team KISS 5K Run/Walk in Atlanta, GA this year. This event helps raise awareness about sarcoidosis while also fundraising forLearn More

woman using a laptop

VIDEO: Webinar Available from Sarcoidosis Week at the ATS

April 10, 2018

If you missed our webinar with Bob Baughman, MD to celebrate Lung Disease Week at the American Thoracic Society you can watch it here!

purple balloons

Wear Purple this Friday, April 13!

April 9, 2018

April Team KISS Events- More Than Just Walks!

April 4, 2018

While the Team KISS walk events are a popular way to support Team KISS during the month of April, they’re certainly not the onlyLearn More

Walk of the Week: Fairfield Township, OH!

April 4, 2018
A woman on her cellphone with a laptop in the background

Participate in the #SarcoidStories Challenge!

April 4, 2018
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