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This Valentine’s day, we want to help spread the message of love! While most of Valentine’s Day focuses on romantic love, we wanted to celebrate love for everyone: love for family, love for friends, and especially love for yourself. When you’re living with a chronic illness, self-care is critically important. Surrounding yourself with a strong team of loved ones never hurts either.

Make sure to tell those around you- yourself included- just how much you care about them with just three simple words: I love you!

Read more suggestions for self-care and be sure to show your body and mind some love!

We’re incredibly thankful to Love Affair for producing and sharing this video gratis in support of our cause and helping us raise awareness of sarcoidosis. This year, our organization will be working to bring the stories and faces of sarcoidosis to the forefront of our cause. Stay tuned for more of our #SarcoidStories campaign leading up to Sarcoidosis Awareness Month!

About Love Affair:

Love Affair is born out of this understanding— Effective content does more than just tell a story. We believe that there is a passion unique to each client and we use that to build an emotional connection, grounded in rationality, with the audience. Reason and emotion come together to create a love affair.

Learn more at Love Affair’s website.


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