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Our online support community has continued to grow over the past few years, reaching 40,000 online members this month!

The Stop Sarcoidosis support community is hosted on the platform Inspire, which provides a space for online support communities that allow patients to connect with others like them, regardless of geography. While attending an in-person support group meeting is always a good idea, this is not as easy for patients with a rare disease, especially those who don’t live in a major city or might have physical limitations. Inspire has groups for almost any illness or disorder you could imagine, and members can join multiple groups once they’ve sign up, including groups for conditions that commonly affect sarcoidosis patients (chronic pain, mental health disorders, etc.) We are proud that the Stop Sarcoidosis group has so many members and a strong sense of community responsibility. Many patients reference their close friends that they’ve made through the website, and some even meet up with those friends in person for awareness events in their region or to lend support in times of need. New members are always welcome, and support will always be given. This community also allows patients to ask questions and vent about daily life with sarc, something which they might not be able to do with friends or loved ones who don’t truly understand the burden of living with such a disease.

Learn more about the Stop Sarcoidosis Inspire group and join the community.


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