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For many people, their journey with sarcoidosis is long and complicated. Deciding to tell that story can help others with this devastating disease realize they are not alone in their experiences.


When writing a long format blog, here are some guidelines we recommend sticking with to ensure your story gets approved for our website:

  • For the most part, keep posts between 500-1000 words.
  • Respect the privacy of others in your story. Don’t share details they have not given you permission to share.
  • Keep a positive outlook in your story. While sarc warriors face their fair share of challenges, try to make this post an outlet for positive thinking and sharing good intentions. Make your goal to help or inspire others going through tough times.  
  • Use respectful language and try to avoid criticism of others. 
  • Please provide sources for any scientific or statistical facts that you include in your post.
  • There is currently no accepted cure for sarcoidosis within the scientific community. Because of our commitment to providing patients with accurate and safe information, any references to therapies or protocols that claim to cure sarcoidosis with no scientific evidence will not be published. Additionally, any misinformation- including statements with strong language or sweeping generalizations- will not be published. FSR is committed to providing our patients with only evidence-based information. 

Need help with a topic? Here’s some suggestions:

  • Tips you’ve found helpful for reducing fatigue- have you found that adding stretching or exercise to your daily routine makes you feel better? Meditation? A change in diet or daily habits?
  • What it’s like participating in a clinical trial-  What did you expect? What surprised you? How did the process and follow-up work? Do you feel you impacted future research?
  • How to grow a strong support system– Maybe you opened up and educated your family and friends on the disease, or started your own support group. Maybe you’ve found a support community by connecting with other sarc warriors online.
  • What it’s like caring for a loved one with sarcoidosis- Being a caretaker to someone with a chronic illness can be extremely difficult. Share tips you’ve found helpful, or about your experiences watching a loved one battle this disease.
  • Finding the power of your voice-  Have you been involved in advocacy or other projects to make improvements for the rare community? Tell us about them.
  • This will not be included in your blog post or shared unless you specify that you'd like it shared in your author bio.
  • Your preferred daytime phone number. This will never be shared with others.
  • If you prefer not to disclose type in N/A
  • FSR is interested in knowing more about your ethnicity background as we continue to strive for diversity and inclusion. Please indicate which best describes you (select one):
  • Please upload a document version of your story. If your document is not in one of the acceptable file formats, please email us at for more assistance.
    Accepted file types: doc, docx, rtf, txt, pdf, Max. file size: 512 MB.
  • Please include a few sentences about yourself, and a picture if you have one handy! You may include links to any personal blogs, facebook pages, etc. Also, let us know if you'd like your email included in your bio, or given out to readers who request to be put in touch with you.
  • If you don't include a picture, we will use the FSR logo instead.
    Accepted file types: jpg, png, gif, Max. file size: 7 MB.
  • You may suggest a title for your post, but we reserve the right to name the post as we see appropriate.
  • We encourage you to include images of yourself! They can be of just you, family and friends, pets, etc. If you have any pictures that relate to your blog topic, please include them! We may not include all pictures you submit. If you do not have a picture to share, we may use a stock photo image.
    Drop files here or
    Accepted file types: jpg, png, pdf, Max. file size: 512 MB, Max. files: 5.
    • By checking this box, you give FSR permission to use this submission or excerpts from it along with your first name and last initial (i.e. John D.) on our website, social media, eNewsletter, and other communications.
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