While cardiac sarcoidosis is diagnosed in around 2-5% of sarcoidosis patients in the United States, recent studies are causing some experts to estimate that the number may be as high as 20-30% of sarcoidosis patients in the U.S. Read about two patient’s experiences with cardiac sarc and heart transplants!
“The Actemra has been denied. We will start the appeals process.” These two sentences glare at me from the patient portal message center. I feel exposed and vulnerable. Here we go again. My doctor says I need this medication, but my insurance is saying “NO.”I was...
Many sarcoidosis patients struggle with lung function which can make exercise seem impossible. Programs like Pulmonary Rehabilitation help patients with lung diseases improve lung function, reduce symptoms, and improve quality of life.
Life with sarcoidosis can be hard. This is why we reached out to you, our patients, to better understand the financial hardships that come with sarcoidosis.
While all manifestations of sarcoidosis can causes physical symptoms, neurosarcoidosis in particular can come with serious mobility challenges. Mark Taylor is a neurosarcoidosis patient from New Zealand who is overcoming the challenges of neurosarcoidosis to raise...